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48 098 bytes (46.97K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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æ                                                                           ø


   when the adds have stopped, it's time.. .

                                   . ..time to start paying attention


                                                        perhaps not..

                                 but anyway..

  ____      __          __      __          __          __          __
 |____|____|  \________|  \____| ,\________|  \________|  \________|  \__
 |  \________   /___   l____/ ______/________   /________   /________   /_
 |    |    |/     |   ___/|   \|      |    |/ _/  |    |/     |    l/     |
 l____l____|      |____|  l____|      |____|      |____|      |______ Sn  |
           l______|            l______|    l______|    l______|    l______|

                          mute  ·  the godfather

     __            __         __         ______  __         __         __
 ___/, l__________|  \_______|  \_______|  \___|/  l_______/  l_______/  |
 \_______   /_______   /_______   /__   l____/ |  ______/_   ______/_____|
   |   l/     |   |/ _/  | \__      |  ___/|   |  \|      |  \|      |   |
   l_____     |___|      |___|      |___|  l___|___|      |___|  Sn  |___|
       l______|   l______|   l______|           |  l______|   l______|
                        |                       |    inferno grafitti
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |      gives  you       |
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |   a new collection    |
                        |                       |
                        |                       |
                        |     from the most     |
                        |      speechless:      |
                        |                       |

                     .____   .____   .____   .____
                    _|    |__|    |__|    |__|    |__
                    \_____   __   |  __   __/_______ \_
                     |   | |  \_  l_  \_  l   \_ /____/_

                        after the dark continuance
                          of my search from moon
                            i ended up at mars
                          all alone in the night.

                       i was lonely, i was crowded.
                   it was eavning, the night had past.
             i picked up a voice, but nothing was to be heard.

                           this wasn't a place,
                        wich humans have polluted
                            with our invetions.


                       reaching the lonely hights
                      of olympus mountain at mars,
                          i watched the sights
                             we never knew..

                       but there's only red-dust
                       to see, while considering
                     the continuance of my search..

                      the search for peace, future
                        and hope.. hope for the
                             living dead..

                                                         welcome to....

       .-----------|---.  oLYMPUs         mONs  |                    .--------
    ___|____  ____ `---'____.___  ________  ____|___  ____ ___  _____|__
   _\      /__\   |_____\   |  /__\      /__\      /__\   |  /__\  ____/_
  /_______   \_   |    \_____    \___.     \________ \_   |    \______   \_
   _\   _/    /_  l     /_  |     /_ |  |   /_    ____/   l)    /_   /    /_
                                           .----|---------.          |
           .-------.                       |    `---------'          |
   .-------|----.  |   ____________________|_________________________|__
   |       |    |  |  /_______      )________   )________   )_   _______)__
   |       `----|--'   _\    |  |    __    |/    __    |/    _______     __
 .-|--.         |      \__   |  |    /_    |     /_    /     /_   )/     /_
 | `--|---------|-------/____l__l_____/___________/___/ mute  /___________/--.
 `----'         |                          |      .--/_______/-------|-------'
                `--------------------------'      `------------------'

               hmm.. this should actually be some kind of preface...
              well. it sure doesn't look like it to me, man.. hmm.
              oh yezz.. majonezz.. hmm.. why did i fail !!!!? with:

               hello.. all you medicore living beings.. it's time
              to listen what your superior god of signs has to
              say.. remember that these words do not come from
              a person like you.. they're from an unatural source..
              a source you cannot dream of.. not think of.. not
              believe in.. it's too precious. and i'm it's master.
              do not become jealous.. you see, it isn't that easy
              being perfect all the time. but now.. it certainly
               is.. oh yes..

               ok, you lowliving creatures.. this piece you have
              on you're screen is my (at this point) newest ascii
              collection.. i've been ofcourse a bit inactive for
              a little time, but who cares.. some of you that
              request ascii's are sooo impatient.. don't be that.
              a-artists aren't that fast.. we make ascii's when
              we want, so that you poor ones down there can for
              once have a good time.. so don't you ever complain
               again... got that ?? hehehe..

               well.. i collected some requests again and made
              this peace. ok.. and.. hmm.. i could have needed
              some more. so don't you be shy... you may request
              ascii's without the sysop looking down at you..
              thinking what an idiot, not having ascii's.. and..

               hmm.. hope i'm not like this for real.. arrogant i
              mean. but i am important, am i not ?? not, you
               say !! but.. but. i.. i thought that.. oh! fuck you...

                                              bla... bla.. bla..

                           mute^inferno grafitti

     /__________)_________   )_________   )__________  )_      |_______
      _\         __     |/    __     |/    ___    |_________   |    ___
      \__  mute  /_     /     /_     /     /_     l     /_        ___/_
-------/__________/____/       /____________/____________/_____|      /
asc²         |        /_______/                    |           |_____/
     part one|                                     |
             |       asc²             reqBy/made4  |
                   burning hell    - macho         |
                   macho           - macho         |
                   zone-x-         - mr.zycho      |
                   cannabis        - woober        |
                   chriz           - chriz         |
                   south bronx     - chriz         |
                   micro           - micro         |
                   dead on arrival - blue max      |
                   allanon         - allan0n       |
asc²         ·                                     ·
     part two¦     last callers    - don cato
             |     todays warez    - don cato
             |     en "bil"        - don cato
             |     bumble bee land - baffle

and now it's time..

                       time to break it...

                   .-                            -.      .--.
      .--\\       -|--------\ E N T E R I N G \---|------|  |-----.
      |   \    ----'                              `-the--|--'     |
   .__|__.   ._____.   ._____.   ._____.   ._____.   .___|_.   .__|__.
  _|     |___|     |___|     |___|     |___|     |___|     |___|     |__
 /__     |  )________ )__    |  )________ )________ )__    |  )________ )_
  _|     |_  /_    |/  /_    _ __/_    |/  /_    |/  /_    |   /_    |/  /_
 _\      l/   /_   |    /_   |    /_   |    /_   l    /_   /\   /_   |    /_
 \_.     ______/   |_____/   |_____/   |_____/   ______/   ______/   |_____/
   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|mute
      |----.             .       .                      /\        |
      |    `-------------|   `---|--- aSCIi pARt ONE --/ \\-------'
    --'             |    `-------|                    /____\-.
            .-------'            '                           |
            |   /__  don't know where we go              \---'
            `--/      can't understand what we see        \
              /    wount see what it doesn't show       .--\
                because the unknown isn't what it seems | ---.
              .                                 .-----/ |    |
         .    |-----  it's everywhere we go    -|-------|----'
      .--|----|   wount let it self being tamed |  .----'
      |  |    '      controling us constantly      |
      `--|       \  while ENTERING THE UNKNOWN  \--.

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |  bURNINg  hELl      `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    macho            `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

                .----bURNINg  hELl----.
  ______        |                     |
 _\     |_______|__ __________________|____________________________________
/___    |    )__   |    )_________ )________  )______)________  )______.   )_
 _\     |)    __   |     __    _ _____    |/   __     __    |/   __   _|______
 \__    l)    /_   l_    /_    |    /_    /    /_     /_    /    /_   \_    /_
  /____________/__________/____|_____/___/ mute /______/___/      /_____     /
                |                     |-/______/-----.    /______/   /______/
        .-------|                     |--------------|------'
        |       `---------------------'              |----.
     .__|__.    ._____.    ._____.   ._____.         |    |
    _|     |____|     |____|     |  _|     |---------|----'
    \__  __|  /_________ /__     |__\__    |_____    |    - -------------.
    _|   \__    /_   _|____/_    |    /_   |    /_   `---- -             |
   _\      |    __   \     __    l_   __   l_   __                       |
   \_______|____/__________/_____     /____     /   ---------------------'
                               /_____/   /_____/

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      mACHo          `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    macho            `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

            -|-----'   -+-' .--·the allmighty·--.
        _____|______________|___________________|___.    ____________
       /_______      )________   )______.    )__    |____\______._   )__
        _\    |  |    __  __|/    __    |_______   ___    __    |/    __
        \__   |  |    /_  \___    /_    |     /_    |/    /_    | mute/_
  - --|---.  |                  /               |    .-----------.
      `---|--|-----------------/-->mACHo<--.    |    |           |
     .----|--|-. izz          /    .-------|----|----|----       |
     |    ·  | |    khomin'  /-----|-------'    `----|           |
     `---------'            /      |      .  .  .  .  .  .       |
                           ·       `-------O--N--L--I--N--E------'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      zONE-X-        `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    mr.zycho         `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

          .-----|  `--|-------------.
          |     `-----'   zone -X-  |                  _______.
    ______|_________________________|________________  \      |_____
   /_________    )______._   )________   )__________ )__\     |    /__
    _\     _________    |/    __    |/    __    |___________  l      /
    \__    \(_    /_    |     /_    /     /_    l     /_      _  ___/_
     /_____________/___________/___/       /___________/_     |      /_
          |       \     |         /_______/        .   /______| mute__/
          |        \----'           |              |      |   l______\
          `---------\               |         .----|------|--.
                     \__ _   _      `--------------|------'  |

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      cANNABIs       `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    woober           `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

                  | .-------|---------- -  -     -  - --------------
     .--------------|            cANNABIs   .----.  ____.
 ____|______________|_______________________|_______\   |__________________
/______.   )_______  )_______  )_______  )_______  )_____   )____)__  _____)__
 _\    |______ __|/   __   |/   __   |/   __ __|/   __  |)   __   ______    __
 \__   l    /_ \___   /_   /    /_   /    /_ \___   /_  |)   /_   /_  )/    /_
.-/__________/___l_____/__/      /__/ mute /___l_____/________/____/_________/
| .--|---.          |    /______/.-/______/-|----------/    .---.
`-|--'   |          |            `--|       |         /-----|---'
  |      ·          |-----------·   `-------'  |     /      |
  `-----------------'                          `------------'

you wanted me to make an 'cannabis' diz-logo.
hm.. it isn't so easy you know.. hehe..
you like it ?? hehehe.. cool thingy..

                   .----.   C  A  N  N  A  B  I  S   .----.
                   | |__|----.----.----.----.-.__.---| ---:
                   | |  | ;  | |  | |  | ;  | |· :---:--- |

it is actually a total freeware !!! amazing..
and you may sell it without permission !

my maaan.. even a soaked person can do this...

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |       cHRIz         `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    chriz^emt        `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

                                 .    .-------.
            .------|----' cHRIz· |    `--/  \-|--------' |
       _____|______________.    _|______/____\|__________|______
      /_______.     )__    |____\_________  )_______)_______    )__
       _\     |________   ___    __    _  _____      __   _________
       \__    l      /_    |/    /_    |     /_ mute /_   \(_    /_
     .------|          --. .-----|-/              \---.  |    |
     |      |    .       |-|-----'/________________\ -'  | .--|
     |      `----|-------|-'                   |         | `--|--.
     |           `-------|                     `---------|----|--'
     `-------------------'                               `----'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      sOUTh bRONx    `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___      chriz^emt      `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

          .-|  .---.        .-------/                |---------.
 .--------|-'  `-- |--------|-            ______.    `---------|--.
 |  ______|________|________________._____\     |___________.  |--'
 | /__     ______)________   )__    |    )__    ____)___    |__|____
 |  _\_______     __    |/    __    |_    __    |     __   ___    __
 |  \__   _)/     /_    | mute/_    l/    /_    l     /_    |/    /_
 |   /_____________/___________/___________/___________/____l______/
 `--------|---.                           / south     /        |
          `---|--------------------------/     bronx /---------|-.
  .-.         `-------.                 /           /        --' |
.-| |--------.    ____|__   _______   _______   _______   ____.  |
| `-|        |   _\____  )__\_____ )__\_____ )__\_____ )__\   |____
|---'        |  /__   |)  /__   _ __/__   |/  /__   |/  /___  |   /__
|            |-. _\   |)    /_  |     /_  |     /_  |     /_     ___/_
|          --' | \___________/__l______/_________/__l______/__|      /
|              |   ---|--.     --.                  |   .-----l_____/
`--------------'      `--|-------|              ----|---'
                    `----'       `------------------'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |       mICRo         `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    micro            `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

                      .------------.   `--|----------|   /--.
           .----------|----. mICRo |------'          `-\/   |
      /______.      )_______)_____.     )_________  )________   )__
       _\    |  |    __      __   |________    _  _____    |/    __
       \__   |  |    /_ mute /_   l      /_    |     /_    |     /_
         --|-.              /     |           .-------------|---.
             |         .---/------' ______\---|--.   -- -  -|   |
             `---------|--/      ----'        `--'       ---|---'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |    dEAd oN aRRIVAl  `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    blue max         `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

          .------------/   .----|         ------|--.  |----------------/
  .-------|-.        -/-/--'    |---------------'  |--'               /
  |       __|__________/________|__________________|_______      .---/
  |      /__________   )_________  )________   )________   )__   |  /--.
  |       _\      |/    __    |_______  __|/    __    |/    __   `-/   |
  `-------\__    _/     /_    l     /_  \___    /_   _/ mute/_    /----'
      .----/_____________/___________/____l______/___________/   /
      |           /  |---.-.     __   _     .      |
      `----------/   |   `-|----(__)-( \_)--|--    |  -dEAd oN aRRIVAl-
                /----'     |                `------'
    .____.    .____.    .__|_.    .____.  .____.    .____.    .____.       |
   _|    |____|    |____|    |____|    |__l    |____|    |____|    |-----|-'
  /_______  _________ )________ )___________   |  ________  ___    |____ |
   _|  __|   /_    _ __/_    _ __/_      /_    |   /_  __|   /_    |   /_`-.
  _\   \___   /_   |    /_   |    /_ mute /_   l    /_ \___   /_   l    /_ |
  \______l_____/___|_____/___|_____/_______/_________/___l_____/_________/ |
    |              \---.   |         -.--       |     ----.      |---------'
    `---------------\_ `---|   ___    |-------|-'       --|------'
                           `---\_-----'       `-----------'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      aLLAN0n        `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    allan0n          `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

     .--------aLLAN0n---------------------/  \-----------------------.
  ___|_____________.   ______.   ________/____\______________________|___
 /_______.   )__   |___\__   |___\_____.   )_______  )_______  )_______  )__
  _\   __|    __   |    __   |    __ __|    __   |/   __   |/   __   |/   __
  \__  \___   /_   l    /_   l    /_ \___   /_   /    /_   |    /_   /    /_
   /_____l_____/_________/_________/___l_____/__/ mute /_________/__/      /
     |          .       .-------|   /          /______/    .-------/______/
     |         -|-------|       `--/                \----/ |         |
     `----------'       |---------/__________________\  /--' - -- ---'

                                  tIMEOUt !!

another cultural piece
crying for attention...:

oh ja.. maaaaaaan..
gi' me som' doooop maaaaaan...
coil hatoil..?

                                        written in a state of diffusion..
                                               and dilution ???


                          we're drowning in problems
                           and we have no sollution
                        without any helping agreements
                    we're only waiting for the destruction

                             how will we survive
                            and how can we expand
                             earth is like a hive
                         it's space that we demand..

                           where shall we progress
                          when escaping our mistake
                        waiting for nature to confess
                          and the people will ache..

                           our destiny is uncertain
                             but possible to see
                       so remove your blinding curtain
                          and see the timeless three

                            wake up, do something.
                          think over your behaviour
                      don't just stand there complaining
                       reject the overall misdemeaniour

                                  and live..

                   live for the history of the unkown world...

dikt er gøy.. hehe

så utrolig alvorlig oxo..

                  tHe bREAk hAs nOw eNDEd... sO wE'Ll bE...

                                            .--.       ____
          \  R E E N T E R I N G  \--.      `--|-------\  /---/\-------.
                                    -|---the---'        \/   /__\      |
________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ____.    ____.    ___|____
\_____ /_-\_____ /_-\_____ /_-\_____ /_-\_____ /_-\   |___-\   |___-\_____ /_
  __|/  /_    |/  /_    |/  /_    _ __/_  __|/  /_    |_ /_    |  /_    |___/_
  \___   /   _/    /    l    /    |    /  \___   /    l/  /    l   /    l    /
      |       /-------.  .--------                               .     |
  .  -|------/      .-|--|- a d o r a b l e  |-------------.  .--|     |-.
  `---'             `-'  `-------------------'             |     `-----' |
        some are invisible         ---.                    `-------------'
     \    faith is unbeatable .       |
.----\\ we're despicable     -|-------'
|         earth is adorable .-|-.
`-----.                     `-' |
  .-. |- ---and-so-am-i---------|--

                                                        oooohh... spoOOOkY!

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |     lASt cALLERs    `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___  don cato           `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

      .-----.           //------.     .--------------------------.
      |    -|----------/      .-|-------'_______    basenavn?    |
 _____|__   ' ________________|__________\      |__             -|-------.
/____    |____\_________   )__   _______)__     ___)____ .--lASt-'       |
 _\      |     __   __|/    ________     __     |     __        cALLERs  |
 \__ mutel     /_   \___    /_    )/     /_     l     /_   - ------|-----.
   .--|   .-----|--' _______ _______ ____. ____. _______ _______ _______ .--.
   |  `---|     |   ___  ___)_____  )_   |___  |_______ )______ )_   ___)_  |
   |            |    _\  |   /_ \__  /_  l  /_ l  /_ |___/_  _ __/_____  /_ |
   |  .---------|----\________/__|____/______/_____/______/__|____________/-'
      |               comment: hmm.. denne saken er kanskj. litt stor..
                               men du kan fjerte vekk "callers".. m/dill..
                               om du vil da.. hmm..

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |   tODAYs wAREz      `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___   don cato          `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

                                        .-----> - -- -- - <-----.
             .----------/    ___     ___|    ___     ___     ___|    ___
  .--·tODAYs-|-     .--//-  _\  |____\  |____\  |____\  |____\  |-.__\  |__
  |        .-'      |      /__  ___)______ )______ )_____  )_____  )__ ____)_
--|----.   | wAREz· |       _\  l   /_  |/  /_  _/  /_ \__  /_  l   /_____  /_
  `  `-----|--------|-------\________/_______/_______/__|____/_______/_______/
           |        `-------------------'                       |
  _______. ·____________________________________________________|__
 /___    |_|   )_________   )___________ )___________ )_________   )__
  _\     | |    __   __|/    __     _  _____     |_______    _________
  \__    l l    /_   \___    /_     |     /_mute l     /_    \(_    /_
      | .-__    .-  -.       .------|-----.          .    ---.  |  /----' |
      `-|--   .-| .--|-.     |---.  `---------|------|-    .-| -|-/-.     |
        |     `-' `----|-----|  `-------------'      `-----| `--|---------'
        `--------------'                                   `----'

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |      "bIl"          `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___   don cato          `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

            ________                      say hello to Mr. Wroomy Wrooom !
          __)    -. \_.-.__
        .-\ _     _  _    /    roadrace !!!! whieeeyy..!!
        `--(_))____)(_))___\                             gøyal ?? yezzz..

      .-----.                       ________  ____/___     .__    ________
      `-----|--olympus-|   -  ----.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
            |·mons·    `--- --    |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
    .-------|---------------------|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
      ascii |   bUMBLe bEe lANd   `-/_l__l__/-/_______/-/_______/-/_______/
    `-------|--------/--------------         .                       \
            |.made4./___    baffle           `--|--inferno grafitti---\
         ---'         `-------------------------|

   .--|----.     //--------\--·bumble·------.   .-----------------.
      |  `------/       .--|----------·bee·-|---|-//          .---|-----.
   ___|__           ----|--'            ______  `-/·land·\-----'  |     |
  _\     |___________.__|_______________\     |___________.   ____|_______
 /________    )__    |    )_____.      )_______    )__    |___\__________ )__
  _\     |)    __    |_    __   |  |    __    |)    __    |    __    |_______
  \__    |)    /_    l/    /_   |  |    /_    |)    /_    l    /_mutel     /_
   .  |       /    .--'_____.     ________   ________     .-|-----'.----|-.
 `-|--|----.//--`--|  _\_   |_____\______ )__\______ )_   | |           `-|-.
 | `--'    /    |  | /__    |   /__    |___/__    |___/__ |·|  en         · |
 `--------/|    .--'  _\    l)    /_   l     /_   l     /_·||     baffle    |
           `----------\____________/__________/__________/-'|               |
             .---/         |                                |   ting..      |
                //---- -  -`--· L   A    N    D ·-----------|               |

not so many logo's, was it...

                     - the credits for this peace -

           main art performer           mute^inferno grafitti

           guys who just popped in      snuffy^babe^b·boys

           the inspiration sources      biospehere · fsol
                                        cncd · massive attack
                                        orbital · alania · klf
                                        & chambers dictionary

           progs used                   cygnused 3.5 and died
                                        no more is to be needed..
                                        iffconvertere er do-ting!

    - the messys written from a nice point of view up in the mountain -

              but i actually found it hard to write .. kjiipt

                                                had only toiletpaper...

godfather^inferno grafitti
                          ja.ja.. slik skal det være. du må oxo bli aktiv vet
                          du.. nyttter ikke å syte om en liten powersupply !
                          den er for svak.. hehehe.. board up.. ? hmm.. ellers
                          da ? fått deg dame enda ? tenke meg den ja.. jaja.
                          jammen er det dårlige tider ja.. hehe...

                  ja, så men.. du solgte saken din du.. hehehe.. dirty boy..
                  da er det jo bare meg igjen i scenen her da.. argh.. eller?
                  everybody groove to the music, noen sa... gabbatlais !

     først så spør jeg om du gidder å hive meg opp på order-tingelingen.. ja
     sier du.. men gjør det ei.. jaja.. greit nok.. mange er late ! men så er
     du jammen nede så lenge at.. fy fy, skulle du hatt.. øhh..

blue max
        wheeey.. do you really mean what you wrote in the request, some time
        ago ? or was it just to lick ass.. hehe. well.. you've to do more
        than just writing so, if i'll believe you.. hehe.. what about sending
        me a five thousands kroner check ?? no ?? well, excuse meee !! why ?
        fuck, all these words for nothing then.. men er jeg best ? hehe..

      hmm.. you liked that logo ?? in your world i mean.. coz' my slow and
      boring and lowliving state of mind can not ever compete with your
      eternally superior world ... dag !! hmm.. what can i do about that
      then.. hmm.. btw. did you sense my telepathical-worship few days ago ?
      ahh.. thought so.. why not ? why ?? wHy ???! oh.. that's why. ok then.
      men uansett hvor mye jeg prøver å smiske, så bruker du sikkert ikke
      the logo.. eller ?... nei vel da.. jeg gir meg... faen.

        hmm.. du ?? hvor er så di lille snille bakkebille ? øhh... hmm.. jeg
        mente nok engentlig din base.. den på telefonnettet vet du.. det ser
        ut til at jeg ikke kan finne den.. rart, eller hva ??? jeg skjønner
        ingenting.. kanskje ikke så rart.. jeg er jo ikke som alle andre..

-        you should actually groove to the music, you know.. but you could
         also request some ascii's from me, so that i actually could do
         some naaastie logos for you.. but be patient, 'cause i don't use
         my modem that often actually.. hehe. så økonomisk jeg er..

      sIden Carsten * Nordlansk fiskerett * ikke ville skrive en beskjed til
      deg (øh, meg) så gjør jeg det selv ! OXO (Blahh) hva betyr det ??? OXO
      ... omtrent like teit som BI BI. BI deg selv, din OXO balle !!! Hei til
      alle i And-rom-E-da, schpaze-bAllZ, mUt(aNT),Snøfffffte,Scoopex
      (skapkjeks ... Elmore ? Er du der ? Knis fnis, gjør som oss, DRA MENS DU
      KAN !!!), b-Boys ! Xanadu Zyko Forz, BABE (Me and YOU, Snuffy !!!) ...
      Msg. to Snørre : 500 gruppe, ja ? Hello also to the nerds: Grey (for old
      times sake, sakka sake si !) Kashten, ska vi et schnat ??? Fnis !!! Sug
      the lug !!! Hadet ... (OXO, BI BI ... Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh !)


                           ..goes to mum and dad..

                                                       snufs... snufs...

       (and perhaps some ascii-fellows out there..)

           ! og en hei til Snuffy som nettopp ikke GADD mere.. hehe.. !

                     endelig noen som har forstått det !

if you're some kind of interrested in joining (tji-hi)

                                                 inferno grafitti

     then you can some something like this i suppose:

call our board
                        subcontinent     +47 57824209
                                      sysop is  the godfather

or you could write me
                        carsten engh
                        groosevn. 246
                        n-4890 grimstad

or write us a messa at some board..

                                both me and the godfather are some places.
                                        but mostly in Norway..

                                         ok then.. that was the calamitous
                                           commercial break..

                      fUNKY fUNKY! mAIN MAIN mAN, JUMP!?

              sNUFFy tERRORISEREr mUTE siN cOLLY aKKURAT soM iRA!
     wHAt, wHAT yOU mIGHT sAY?! gRIMlOCK dID yOU cALL yEsTERDAY?! ANhh..

                                 dON't kNOW!

                ___________________________________________________________ _
             _/                 b·bOYS lEVER!
        _____|        _ ____
       /__   | __________   | _______   _______   ___ ___   _______
  _ _____|   |/  ___  \_/   |/  ___  \_/  ___  \_/   |   \_/   _   \______ _
  ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯|   |    |/   |    |    |/   |    |/   |    l    |    l____|¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
  _ _____|   l    |    |    l    |    |    |    |______   |______   |_____ _
  ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯l_____   l    |______   l    |    l    |    l/   |    l/   |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
          \  \________/¯    \________/¯\_______/¯\_______/¯\_______/¯
           \  \      /      /       /   \      \  \      \  \      \
               \    /      /       /     \      \  \      \  \      \

                         · iT cANt BE aNY ugLIER!? ·


                                 yES, iNDEED!

                hMMM! mUTE wILL dAS NEXTE lEZTE sAK dELIEREN!? (oh yez..:)
                yES.. oR SOMEThING.. yOU knOW. iF yOU bOUGHT
                       mY MACHINE, aND cAN uNDELETE mY
              aZKII dIR... tHEN yOU wILL gEt tHE MOST fANTASTIC
                         uNfINISHED cOLLECTION eVER!

                         ·sCRACHTmOLOGICAL eXPOSTION·

           fEATURING tjA·sI·dET hOLDNING! (aTTITUDE 50,000 feet!?)

       håPER nOEN tOK iRONIEN.. oG hUMOREN! ELLER njA nå JO , kANSKJE!?

                  s       n       u       f       f       y

                                b·BOYS & bABE!

                        I AM STILL A SCENER IN A WAY!?

wheeyy snuffy... you fucked 'em...
                                  eeehh.. literally ?

for requesting...

                call me, and say that you hate me..
                                                        +47 370 40651

                call a board wich i call...

                                                        genetic waste
                                   /                    bumble bee land
            am in the order confs <                     subcontinent
                                   \                    pitstop (nede ?)

                or a messy at                           checkpoint

        as you see, i'm not a very active modem-fjott !

                 and i'm proud of not sitting around with a 1500$ bill..

seriousity ?

                                           what happend before
                                           means nothing anymore
                                           now there is only future
                                           wild like a blinded creature

                                           a little hope
                                           vanished like dope
                                           it was the only inspiration
                                           leading the interrogation

                                           violent rebellions came home
                                           after eliminating the crown
                                           the world falls apart
                                           rage and fear is in your heart

                                           it was the end of society
                                           and as well as royalty
                                           the beginning of chaos
                                           and anarchy ruled us

                                           it's in everybody's possession
                                           becomming the great obsession
                                           rage and hate are the outcome
                                           and noone can be safe at home

                the desperate hunt for power...

oh yeeeee.... frikazeee... maaaaannn...

(et vegard uttrykk !!!)

                                    schnuplet sie oyber des tyrkantes ?

                  ja, das hapfen sie gedacht gemacht werden sind gewesen..

hope i woun't have an oral german exam soooon...

                       it would be a dreadfull disaster..
                                                both for me and my teacher.

poor me... i don't want an german exam..
                                         i want to be free...

                      free and inocent like a maiden..

                                              baach !!! Ghu !!! what ????

oh, yes... because jah jah is coming.. and he's bad to the bone !!

                            like an earthquake in a stormy flower garden.

                                       suppose i'm strange.. suppose i only
                                           write crap.. but it is still


                            and words is never containing the truth !

have that in mind you lying lowliving idiots !!

                                                          bought that one ?

                                       pretty please !!!

earlier collections by mute..

                             - terrible waste of words
                            - first ascension
                             - future fashion
                            - frozen orange project
                             - no exuses
                            - the inner core of me
                             - mare serenitatis

i'm not so extremely active.. hehe.. why should i be..


          you're ceaseless crusor-down activity has finally ended..

it is the end you've reached.. another colly has passed it's
own little voyage.. to be forgotten.. a useless compilation
of words and effort will only be remembered as a file taking
too much space..
 life is unfair - and especially for binaryfiles !
what is unspoken will always remain as a resource never being
touched.. the enjoyment will be forgotten and soon will we
be forgotten.. like a binary file taking too much space on
your harddisk.. but then if we all biuld monuments people will
have a braincell thinking of us.. the pyramids.. russian-
way of communism.. eifeltower... reform 94 !!!

have a good night my dear.. and sleep well..

                              hope you'll never have an oral german exam..

                 another time it might have been so different
                       if only we could do it all again
                     but now it's another a fading memory
               out of focus, though the outline still remains..


                           ..the future is ours..

                        attention !!!!

        some last minute news here...

                                snuffy^babe^b·boys was just taken out for
                                an oral german exam.. the outcome was that
                                one of the german books were stabbed to
                                death with a kitchen knife.. the other one
                                was to be executed with pyro-tedences..

                                poor boy.. and poor german books.. may
                                them rest in peace, whenever they'll get
                                that.. hehe..

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ________  ____/___     .__    ________
.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
|   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
--         .of                     \
 gives you `--|--inferno grafitti---\
it        says|-. .oLYMPUS mONS.   .---.
  gooobido \--' |          .-----------'

cool diz, eh ?? ahh.. perhaps not... eh ??
hmm.. gee... wiooowaaia... barf..


å                                                                          .